082 809 8954 info@regensys.co.za



Together We Enhance

Scars and Stretch Marks

Scars and Stretch Marks

For many years, scars and stretchmarks have been a challenge to treat. They are visible to the naked eye and are often camouflaged in one way or another. Whether covered up with make-up and concealer, or just clothing in some cases, they are...

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Acne presents itself in so many forms. It often comes dressed in couture, with a diva mentality! What used to be a teenage problem brought on by adolescence has now become evident in adulthood as well. And the main cause of adult acne is stress. It...

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Melanin is one of the many things that the human body houses that we have no way of controlling.  This easily makes it everyone’s problem. If only we could bottle it up and put a dial button on it so we can reduce and increase its production as our...

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TC Plus – A Peel for all skins and all needs

The innovative formulation of TCA, Kojic Acid and Mandelic Acid, makes for a safe, superficial to medium-depth peel – for all skin types and skin conditions with little to no downtime! TCA, also known as Trichloroacetic Acid, is known to be a...

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K-Surgery Serums and Boosters

K-Surgery understands that every skin is different and therefore needs its own unique treatment SUIT FACE provides a standard serum and 16 boosters that can be used to customise a serum to your or your patient’s unique skin care needs. Identify the...

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K-Peels Modified Jessner

K-Peels Modified Jessner

The purpose behind the formulation of Modified Jessner, was to create a medium depth peel with less inflammation production. It was discovered that using multiple ingredients at various strengths limits the inflammatory response – making it safer...

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K-Surgery Peels

K-Surgery Peels

Welcome to K-Surgery aesthetic dermatology. K-Surgery offers medical grade peels and a unique homecare approach. The range of peels for use by physicians is designed to treat all skin types and conditions with little to no down time. The K-Peels...

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Get in touch

If you have any questions or would like to contact us, please drop us a mail or give us a call. We’ll do our best to respond as quickly as possible.


082 809 8954082 809 8954info@regensys.co.za

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